2025 Fair dates: August 7 - 10, 2025
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  1. Camping is a privilege extended to Fair Exhibitors and Vendors. That privilege may be revoked at any time by the Pierce County Fair Association. THE CAMPING AREA IS CLOSED TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC. Unauthorized persons are TRESPASSING and subject to prosecution for Criminal Trespass pursuant to R.C.W. 9A.52.080
  2. All 4-H, FFA, or Open Class Exhibitors under 21 must have an adult chaperone (over 21 or over) on site.
  3. Exhibitors and/or Camp residents engaged in improper or disruptive activities, or failure to comply with rules and restrictions set forth by the camping committee and the Pierce County Fair Board of Directors will be subject to disciplinary action. That action could include disqualification and removal from the fairgrounds with the loss of all premiums, prizes, and awards, and potential restriction from future participation in any and/or all fair-related events. The Fair Manager and members of the camping committee have the authority to dismiss exhibitors and vendors.
  4. Campers/Vehicles will be allowed to stage starting on the Sunday, prior to the Fair at 5 pm. No early vehicles are permitted. There will be lane markers, no more than 10 vehicles per lane. Staging is dry, NO HOOKUPS ALLOWED FOR WATER OR POWER. Camping Check-in will begin at 7 am the Tuesday prior to the Fair. Staged campers/vehicles must be occupied as of 7 am. Make sure your registration is on time and complete.
  5. See ‘#16’ below for CAMPING AUCTION information.
  6. You may contact Erika at bookkeeper@piercecountyfair.com starting July 30th for confirmation that your paperwork is on file and complete. We will attempt to notify you if the paperwork is not complete before August 5th.
  7. The camping form must be filled out and signed. All camping units MUST have their Camping pass displayed and visible. Please make sure your phone number is also visible so we can contact you if needed.
    • Fees must be paid in full prior to the selection of the site and setup. Fees are per camping unit, not actual space. Fees are not prorated. Fees are for the duration of the Fair and are $75.00 per unit: tent spaces, truck campers, trailers, motor homes, or any other recreational vehicle. There is a $16.25 per night fee for additional nights past the duration of the Fair and must be cleared through the Fair Office.
    • The monetary fee is for the sole privilege of camping in the assigned designated area. The fee includes parking for (1) vehicle which must be off the roadway and not block or be within another campsite. The fee includes one Fair admission bracelet (new for 2024).
  8. Superintendent Camping may commence Saturday prior to the Fair. Please contact the Fair office when you arrive and they will connect you with the Camping Chairperson. The superintendent and one Assistant Superintendent space is free. Please write “Super” in the “Amount Due” space on the Camping Application.
  9. “Superintendent Row” will be pre-assigned to make the most of the space (Assistant Superintendents may camp in this area as space is available). There will be no saving of a site although efforts will be made to place you according to your request.
  10. All inhabitants of a camping space are required to obtain a pass or purchase the proper admission ticket for each day attending the Fair.
  11. No motor vehicles, bicycles, rollerblades, or skateboards are allowed onto the main Fairgrounds.
  12. All animals, including non-exhibit, must be vet checked the Wednesday prior to the Fair. Non-exhibit animals must remain in the camping area and must be leashed or crated at all times. Please check on them regularly. Non-show animals must receive a vet check pass. Animals excused from vet checks may not remain on the grounds. Non-exhibit animals may not enter barns or exhibit areas with the exception of trained service animals (as long as they are not disruptive).
  13. Quiet time is to be observed from 11 pm-6 am, NO running generators during this time. Please be exhaust friendly. Generators must be kept within the confines of your paid space and be properly vented and grounded. Electrical cords for Generators must be the same gauge as the cord that is hooked to the camping unit. Do not run extension cords across roadways, paths, or under any Tent or Awning. Extension cords become very HOT and cannot be covered. Please be aware of High Fire Danger during your stay, make sure to have and know where the nearest Fire Extinguisher is located. In the event of a fire, call 911
  14. Curfew rules apply to the camping area, no activity after 12 midnight.
  15. No hookups are available in the general camping area. Unauthorized use of utilities may be cause for disciplinary action. Those existing sites with utilities available are under the direct control of the Fair Board. Electrical cords must meet the same standard as the RV Manufacturers’ standards. One Camping unit only for each plug-in. DO NOT (Daisy Chain Campers). For example; you cannot plug into another Camping Unit that is plugged into The Fairgrounds outlet. If Rules are not followed and you cause damage to Pierce County property or Pierce County Fairgrounds. You may be held liable for any and or all damages caused.
  16. Camping Auction. One camping site will be auctioned off to the highest bidder. The site is extra-large and includes water, power, admission tickets, and other perks. Please submit bids to: buttonpusher99@comcast.net. Bidding starts at $75 and will close at 10 pm on the last Wednesday of July. Winners will be notified and able to bring in RV or other camping units early, to be arranged with Howard Bennett. See attached map for the location of the auction site.
  17. Submission of the Camping Application shall constitute acceptance of all Pierce County Fair and camping rules.
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