2024 Fair dates: August 8 - 11, 2024
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Royal Ambassador Haley

Royal Ambassador Haley


Royal Ambassador Haley receives her crown and the new 2024 Ambassadors 

2024 Ambassadors

Ambassador Clara

Ambassador Clara

Ambassador Clara is a junior. She attends the Running Start program through Pierce College planning to graduate with an associate degree in communications. She is keeping options open after she completes a 2-year service mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Ambassador Einin

Ambassador Einin

Ambassador Einin is in eighth grade at Elk Plain School of Choice and is going into the Cambridge program at Bethel High School. Her Career ambition is to have an art related job or have formal job and sell art on the side. Ambassador Einin will show Photography, Rabbits, Art, and Archery at the Pierce County Fair. Her hobbies include raising and showing rabbits, playing cello and base, and painting.
Ambassador Elysia

Ambassador Elysia

Ambassador Elysia is a sophomore. Her career plans are to receive a degree in aerospace/aeronautical engineering and join the Air Force. Ambassador Elysia is active in the 4-H Animal Science Division showing her horse at the Fair.
Ambassador Hannah

Ambassador Hannah

Ambassador Hannah is a sophomore. She will show her skills with Archery and exhibit items in the Food and Nutrition category during the Fair. Ambassador Hannah plans to attend the Running Start program through Pierce College and continue to college for communications before working in communications at a library. About hobbies, she says, "Archery, baking, cats, reading, painting, bookmark and earring making, greek mythology and Dnd."

Pierce County Fair Ambassador Information

Ambassadors are chosen in the Spring as representatives of the Pierce County Fair attending outings and events throughout the Summer. During the Fair in August, a Royal Ambassador is chosen to continue representing the Pierce County Fair until next year’s Fair.


  1. Applicants must be actively involved in the Pierce County Fair.
  2. Applicants must be between 13 and 18 as of January 2024.
  3. Applicants must plan to exhibit in at least one area/project during the Pierce County Fair.

Interview - Judging Criteria (counts as 50 percent)

Interviewed applicants will be judged on the following criteria:

  1. Self-presentation & Personality
  2. Responses to questions
  3. Posture & Poise
  4. Grooming & Attire (youth professional)

Selection Day - Judging Criteria

  1. Talent 25% - Chosen and performed by each Applicant to highlight a little about themselves.
  2. Onstage Question/ Formal wear 25% - Being able to answer an impromptu question on stage.

Expectations after becoming an Ambassador

  • All Ambassadors will wear "official" clothes at all appearances.
  • Clothes and shoes must be clean, and clothes must be wrinkle-free.
  • Hair should be styled neat and clean for appearance.
  • Fingernails: Please make sure they are clean and well-groomed. If polished, they should not be chipped.
  • While on or about Court duties, all Ambassadors will be representing the Pierce County Fair:
    • Be respectful & polite to each other and those around you.
    • Engage in the designated activity (No cell phones).
    • Converse/ interact with the public.
  • The adult in charge/ chaperone will send you home for inappropriate behavior.
  • If you can't make an appearance, you'll need to let the Advisor or the Chaperone oversee that day's activity.*
  • To be considered for Royal Ambassador, you must attend 75% of the events (last-minute events will be treated "as available" and not be part of the percentage).
  • Your reign for the Fair is not over at the end of the Fair. You may be asked to attend appearances after the Fair, except for those who are away at college. We would love you to return the following year to help crown the Royal Ambassador.
  • All Ambassadors must arrive at appearances on time and ready to begin on time!
  • This is a NO-DRAMA zone! You don't have to like each other but must be friendly and polite. You are representing the Fair.
  • Each Ambassador must fill out a medical release form and have insurance coverage.

*Prior to the appearance, all court members and parents will be given the phone numbers for the designated chaperone.

Contact information:

Seville Hering at Ambassadors@PierceCountyFair.com,
Shelly Bennett - FairManager@PierceCountyFair.com,

Once the Court is established, there will be outings and events that they will attend, where they will then be judged on their personality and friendliness to the public. This judging shall be completed by independent judges with input from chaperones, Fair Board Members, and the Court Advisor (providing they are not a parent/ guardian/ leader of a youth in the current year's competition). The Ambassador with the best score will be crowned the Royal Ambassador on Thursday evening of the Pierce County Fair on the main stage.

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